Daily Update 31st May

I was talking to a couple I know today about the holiday they have booked this year in Spain. They were trying to explain exactly whereabouts when I started quoting road numbers at them. The look of astonishment on my husband, Kevin's, face was a picture. This is Janet who drives as far as London on a good day once a year spouting town names and road numbers like I was born there. I think the route Steve and I have decided on must be permanently embedded on my brain now, I've certainly been driving it in my sleep anyway.

I have, at last, heard from the City Licensing Departments (note the plural) about doing a street collection within the City Centre. Authority has also been given to take our vehicle onto the pedestrian area. A spot has been agreed in New George Street on Friday 13th June, and a very compact 6mx4.5m it shall be. I will be puffing balloons all the day previous to that so you don't miss us! Please bring your loose change and remember that bureaucracy hasn't made it easy for us!

Daily Update 30th May

We have had the most tremendous news today. An important sponsor come forward offering help with equipment. The Press Association has most generously loaned us a laptop computer and a mobile phone which can link together to send emails! This means we can update the site with all our news throughout the challenge (network coverage permitting) and also, send our digital photo's day by day. Not only do we have the use of this very high tech equipment but they have offered to cover all the network expenses in updating our site too! We cannot believe our luck, and are truly overwhelmed by this good fortune. It is our pleasure to put their logo on our homepage immediately, highlighting their support.

Our route has been submitted to the organisers today. I have yet to finish the input for the computer software but hope to do this soon. I just need several hours to concentrate!

Another sponsor form was sent back to me today with many new doners on it. Every penny adds up to extra red dots and, with your help, we can raise that large donation for Cancer Research UK. Please remember that donations of any size may be made via the link.

Daily Update 29th May

I have been speaking to Western Evening Herald team several times today. It appears that they are going to do a much bigger spread on our story than originally planned Whoopee! Hope this stimulates some more sponsorship. They asked me for a lot more detail on my family members who have suffered with cancer diseases and I feel that I ended up pouring my heart out a fair bit but, I'm not sure which bits they will use. It was mentioned that an extra photo with some of the family would be good for the news spread and I said it would be fine if I had everyones' agreement.

Come 6pm I am just coming in the door when the phone rings and it's my father-in-law, Tony. "Where are you, didn't you get a phone call? Are'nt you supposed to be here by now? The photographer is waiting!!" WHAT! Hells Bells, I've had an 'at home' day today and every female reading knows how doing all your bitty jobs and not caring about hair and make-up at all can take its toll on ones appearance. "God, give him a drink and keep him talking PLEASE!" I begged. Suddenly jet propelled and slapping make up on like there was no tomorrow I was running around like a loony. My hair was an absolute mess and sticking up like Ken Dodd, thank the lord for GHD ceramic straighteners that heat up in 30 seconds! Good job I live quite close to my in-laws and made it over there in just 8 minutes. Not bad eh?

Steve sent me a text message to say that our start time needs changing but will tell me about it tomorrow. Not sure what impact this will have on the arrangements with the ferry etc. that we have already made but, hope it still fits with the itinerary or it's back to the drawing board.

Daily Update 28th May

We had a telephone call from one of our suppliers today, Elburton Garages Ltd, and were so pleased to receive a sponsorship pledge from them. Also, we heard from the Evening Herald too. The reporter took some details from us about the challenge and has managed to track down the photo's taken last week. Hopefully it will be in an edition within the next couple of weeks (I keep saying that).

Steve rang GPS Warehouse today for some more info on the equipment we require. The assistant was very helpful indeed, and would dearly love to come on the drive too! He warns us that Sweden is scarce on towns and doesn't think we shall see many people on the road. This could mean no English or even Continental breakfasts en route SOB!

Don Williams, who is a friend of Steve's, came into work today with a handheld GPS unit. He has kindly offered to loan it to us if our scrutineer passes it. It looks a bit complicated to me. Oh and just a note, it looks like we have about 1,000 miles to get from the ferry in Germany up to the start point, Nordkapp! With us starting a day early too we shall not have much time to rest before we're off again.

Daily Update 27th May

My mother-in-law, Angela, kindly did a car boot sale for us over the weekend and raised quite a bit of money. Thank you to the visitors of Peacock Meadow and 'Mum for all her trouble. Donations are still trickling in but I don't think many people are aware of what we are trying to achieve. Still waiting for the photo's to be run in the Evening Herald so that will hopefully generate a little more local interest.

We have had contact with Megabowl of Plympton who have kindly suggested a fund raising evening for us. Early days yet with this but we are considering our options.

As the sun starts to appear through the day here in the South West I am thinking of how heavy a coat I shall need in Norway. Does anyone have an idea of the temperature there at the moment?

Steve is involved with the finer points of GPS, data logging equipment at present and I am pleased to leave that little job in his capable hands.

Daily Update 25/26th May

We have put in many hours of pouring over the road atlas with maps for the separate countries, our large map on the office wall and a gauge the mileage gismo. On Sunday, after only pausing for 1 yoghurt, 1 pasty and an argument, I'm pleased to say that we finally can confirm our final route.
I have yet to submit it to the organisers but we are now happy with it. We have had a kind sponsor send us computer software which we need to input our route, I believe it must be submitted in this format. It will take me a few days playing with it before I can do this though as at the moment it will only let me drive for 14 hrs before it shows the end of the day. We shall be travelling for 16 hrs before each stop and I must work out how to make it accept that!

There is one area however, that causes me concern.....will we be able to pronounce the town names in time for the junctions? There are several tongue twister names to be called out such as Orkelljunga and Kaunisjoensuu! Not easy, you just try them especially when you are suffering from sleep deprivation.

I had to have an early night on Sunday, I just couldn't keep up the frenzied pace any longer! Feel much better today and have been out twisting arms for another fund raising venue (which does work by the way). We have to order the GPS and data logger equipment tomorrow. This will need fitting and calibrating into whatever vehicle is finally decided on. Luckily, my input is not required at that time but I will have to learn how to use and read it, uh oh, that will take a patient teacher!

We have not yet had any companies willing to sponsor this, or any other equipment, such as the laptop, camcorder or digital camera. Any contact names for possible benefactors would be appreciated.

One last thing, never wear light coloured trousers to a garage....even on your day off!!!

Daily Update 24th May

The generous people of Plymouth were out in force today. We were stationed outside the Cornwall Street Oggy Oggy Pasty shop, with their kind permission, from 10.30am until 4.15pm and have been absolutely overwhelmed with donations to a grand total of just over £190!

We were also told some heart breaking story's today. A gentleman spoke of his wife who died the week before their Golden Wedding cruise celebrations. Another lady had two daughters one of whom had MS and the other breast cancer. One poor lady in a motorised wheelchair added £5 to our collection and families with disabled children all stopped to donate, brightening our day with their childrens' laughter. Again and again, we filled with tears for the suffering of those families who felt the need to tell us about their loved ones. I have been so grateful to come home to my happy, healthy family today.

The staff at Oggy's have been so lovely to us all day, offering cups of tea and the ladies room. We were just stunned by their generosity when they came out to donate the whole amount taken in tips today. Kindness indeed, and we saw just how hard they worked all day too with queue's out the door.

The biggest litter of 'puppies' in Plymouth just got bigger today when a hefty box came in the post this morning. I really hope we can fulfill all the orders we have taken, and thank you for your support.

Daily Update 23rd May

Popped over the Broadway to get our photo's taken today. I knew they'd be awful. Steve was a poser and went back to have a 2nd lot taken. From there we whizzed into town to pick up a road map we had ordered (it's so much quicker when you don't park isn't it). The sun was out and the car was lovely and warm.....zzzz... I didn't impress him by yawning on the return trip!

Had the pleasure of taking a lovely phone call from our accountants, Mark Holt & Co, today. They are going to have a mufti day whilst we are on our challenge to raise funds for us and have also pledged a donation. Our very grateful thanks for their support.

The fund raising brainstorming continues. In desperation I have organised a 'school outing' round the pubs of Plymouth. Watch out because this 'headmistress' will have her cane handy for any naughty people!

'Lucky' has now joined the photo album.

Daily Update 22nd May

Spent time making personal visits to possible fund raising venues all over Plymouth today. It has paid off with a few companies interested in helping us. I hope to be popping up all over Plymouth in various places over the next few weeks and if you see me out, please come and say hello.

The Oggy Oggy Pasty Co has given me permission to stand outside their Plymouth shops with my donation box so, do come and buy their yummy pasties and pop your loose change in my box! We thank them for their support.

Steve's wife, Pam, has been busy at work showing off the beanie pups and has rung me with an order for 43!!!! I believe Devon County is being scoured for them as I write.

We both have to get 3 passport photos taken for the start/finish officials and log book we shall be using. I really hate those photo booths. Who can direct us to one that doesn't make you look like an escaped convict or psycho? Who believes that girl on the booth frontage actually had her picture taken in one?

We were asked for our team name today and Steve has left it up to me to decide one. After some thought I have gone for 'Sweet Charity'. Quite appropriate I thought.

Daily Update 21st May

The 21 parts of Rules and Regulations thumped onto my doormat this morning. We have got a fair bit to wade through just yet. Am continuing the uphill struggle to find fund raising venues, it seems that they are strictly controlled no matter who or where I approach for help.

Help and assistance is being generously given by two very valuable contacts....they know who they are!! Thank you very much.

I've printed out timelines for us on the computer as we each have different 'do by' dates and priorities. Also a separate calendar for us over the next 30 days, it seems more helpful when the dates are marked and easy to glance at.

Our starting time for the rally will be a day earlier than most because there are just two of us. This means that by the time we reach North Norway we shall only have a few hours to rest at Nordkapp before we have to leave again, heck. I think that will be hard on us and we might have to make our 1st stop sooner than we had hoped.

Thank you to Dr Makin for his support and good wishes, I just might need that medication you mentioned in jest! Stugeron has been duly purchased and is sitting on top of my rather large pile of essentials. How big is this vehicle again Steve?

Watch this space for a pic of our mascot 'Lucky' soon!

Daily Update 20th May

A photographer from the Western Evening Herald came to take photo's today so we got Steve's car dressed up to look the part! Balloons and banners etc all hand pumped and strategically strung on with help from our willing visitor, Julie Lowman, whose dedication to tea-time treats must be applauded. She is not just part of the local butchers but, has also turned her hand to baking 'for the cause'. Our lads at the garage will be putting on weight with all her luscious cakes (it's either that or endure a right old arm twisting).
Meanwhile the lads are now trying hard to avoid me in case I make them join the raffle/enter the competition/empty their loose change again/buy a beanie puppy, and so on! Actually, I have found everyone to be so supportive and willing to help, it's just lovely.

Behind the scenes the hard work continues. Chasing up possible sponsors, booking arrangements, route planning, fund raising venues to look into, publicising our efforts and gathering information and equipment. By the way, I never knew just how hard it is to get permission to stand in the City Centre with a donation bucket!

Please watch for us in the Western Evening Herald and feel free to get in touch!

One suggestion for road music so far, "BAT OUT OF HELL!!!"

Daily Update 19th May

We have acquired a brand new team member! A lovely pure black Beanie Puppy named 'Lucky'. Oh alright, I confess I cannot resist them either so I've made him our trip mascot.

Steve's trip to the Isle of Mull was very fruitful thanks to his brother Keith and sister-in-law Lyn. Our many thanks to them for their generous donation. I must add however, that I feel there was a missed opportunity concerning a coach party who stopped outside their holiday cottage to watch Steve having his morning coffee outside in the garden with the family dogs! Squire Babington could have been in there with his donation bucket. Staff....you just can't get them.

Many thanks also to Tesco Superstore for donating gift vouchers for our competition and raffle, it is much appreciated.

The ferry from Harwich to Cuxhaven (Denmark) is all booked I'm pleased to report. Only problem is I haven't very good sea-legs so, if you are going to be on that ferry on the 21st June watch out for a swaying, slurring, short person with glazed eyes and green complexion waving a Cancer Research UK bucket under your nose. You never know what might be in there!

Right, so we can now get there, and back again thanks to Brittany Ferries. Our route is being taken care of by the technical dept (Steve) and so my thoughts turn to CD's. Not a high priority I give you but, it's no good taking easy listening and stress free whale music tapes now is it? Let's have some good upbeat 'keep you awake' tunes suggested by you all out there.

Only ONE 'Guess the Mileage' entrant by email so far. C'mon we are very friendly!

Daily Update 18th May

Have been trying hard to get my parents online to follow my updates and mammoth journey next month. We've had one problem after another but hope to get them 'live' very soon. They have never operated a computer in their life and it sits in their dining room like a caged beast. As Dad hasn't quite mastered his hi-tech TV, Video and DVD equipment yet, it could be some time before they manage to catch us on this site! Still, I'm very proud that they are so willing to try in such a short time in order to support me. Thanks Mum & Dad!

My Beanie Puppies are selling like hot cakes. It must be their pleading little button eyes that we ladies can't resist.

If anyone is going on holiday shortly and are having trouble finding travel size bits and bobs....it could be that I've bought them all. You see, I work on the premise that yes, travel size is excellent but what if you run out? Better buy at least three of each so I have put 'scoop and run' into practise in several Superdrugs!

Daily Update 17th May

Our fund raising efforts continue....see photo's. We did extremely well today and are so pleased. Our competition of 'Guess the Mileage' is going well and many people stopped to donate or join the raffle and competition. Even in the rain, I was there with my trusty friend, Julie, who steadfastly remained even through the shivery cold wind, icy hands, upright hair and horizontal balloons!

Many thanks to a certain card shop in Ridgeway whose kind workers filled several cancer research balloons with helium for us. They were gamely chasing the many balloons that escaped to the ceiling! We seemed to be going POP unexpectedly all day and one young lady said we had 'taken a year off her life'.

Another competition entrant mentioned that she would have a go at guessing the mileage although she never got farther than Dawlish! These people all brightened our day and kept us going with a smile. It is also an excellent way of getting young men's phone numbers!! One hiccup occured during a particularly vicious gust of wind where we held on to everything for dear life. Unfortunately, my large notice board toppled and Julie put her head through it! Oh well, back to the repair shop with that then. I'm pleased to report another red dot has appeared with grateful thanks to all the people who supported us today.

Daily Update 16th May

Many thanks to David Smith for getting in touch and helping us. I am sure that he will prove to be an invaluable contact.

Another fund raising site has been arranged for 3rd June
at Safeway Megastore out Plymstock, do please come and show your support.

The lads at work have bought some T Shirts and Sweatshirts from me in support of Cancer Research, and I also have some really cute Beanie Puppies for a fiver. If anyone would like to order any of these please let me know.

Contacted the drive organisers today and they shall be sending us our final rules and regulations soon so I will put those details on this site.

Daily Update 15th May

Started the day with great news. The Western Evening Herald are coming to see us next Tuesday to take a photo. Please look for us in that newspaper next week!

Thanks to family for showing poster and sponsor forms around to their respective social activities, every donation is gratefully received.

I have thought about running a 'Guess the Mileage' competition here locally, and will have a prize for the nearest answer. I'm not sure if it can be organised so that web surfers may join in so I must refer that to my technical department, namely our mate Phil!

Also, we are looking for a weather proof, free standing ad board that can be easily accessed for updating. We hope to put that outside SMB Motors so that the local people can keep up with the goings on. Help with attaining one of these would be appreciated.

Daily Update 14th May

A huge thank you to Graham Harrison of Brittany Ferries who has organised a whopping great discount off our return journey from Santander to Plymouth. This means that we shall hopefully, be back in Plymouth about 9am on 2nd July if you feel like turning up to greet us! This sponsorship is greatly appreciated.

I am having a bit of trouble in tracking down a previous cape to cape entrant. A couple of hit or miss emails are all that I have managed, so if you, or someone you know has completed this trip would you kindly send me their contact details. I would very much like to ask their advice on one or two things. No cheating intended, just advice, honestly!

For those of you who are interested....the weather on the Isle of Mull is fair and balmy and the views are breathtaking! (Apparently)

Daily Update 13th May

Have ingested a fair bit of envelope glue today Yuk! Loads of letters, posters and articles have been posted off so, fingers crossed that I have unearthed the generous companies of Plymouth who wish me to visit, to accept donations etc of course!

A kind offer of another fund raising venue has come to light today. I shall be out there jiggling those buckets at people again this weekend with my trusty helper come rain or shine...(what actually is the weather forecast for this weekend?)

Steve is getting off lightly this week having previously arranged a few days off. He is on Isle of Mull at present and he'd better bring back more than a Haggis! Still, the driving has been good practise I suppose.

The 'donation' link is proving worthwhile so please keep those £££'s coming.

Daily Update 12th May

Sponsor forms and posters are beginning to filter out into various places of work etc all over Plymouth. I really hope that they generate a lot more interest and sponsorship for us. We need to keep those red dots on the increase, there is a long way to go just yet!

VistaPapers have kindly set up a donation 'purchase' button on their site for those of you who would like to contribute to our cause. Please use their link to access this. You can make donations from there, no purchase is necessary.

More detailed maps that I have ordered are starting to arrive at work so we should be able to fine tune our route very soon.

Many thanks to the employees at 'Safety First Manufacturing' who have given so generously. I am pleased to add their names to the site.

Any ideas or helpful suggestions......please feel free to email me at babington@smbmotors.co.uk or

Daily Update 11th May

Things a bit slow today as it's Sunday. It's frustrating because there is so much to arrange but no one is available........they must all be Mon to Fri people! Still, a new week starts tomorrow and I have my 'to do' list at the ready.

I must say a thank you to my fellow school governors, Graham and Gwyn, who have taken it upon themselves to promote this venture at work, trying to raise sponsorship and donations for us.

Also, a mention for (handsome) Simon Kerr, Station Master at Plympton Fire Station, who has kindly taken my posters and donation box. It is a big morale booster when people are willing to try and help.

Daily Update 10th May

We have started a photo album now and you will be able to see Steve and myself duly posing with our map of Europe. The route is still to be finalised and I will update that as we make our changes.

Have attended the Plympton MayFair today with my faithful volunteer to fund raise (see photo). It was very festive and the weather held up although it was a bit nippy! I tried to brave the cold wind out with the intention of 'Norway' acclimatisation practise but, it got the better of me by the end of the day. Many acquaintances were collared for a quid or two and some offers to help have been forthcoming! A huge thankyou to all the very kind and generous members of public who helped to make our day worthwhile.

My next thought is to try and contact someone who has entered a previous 'cape to cape' challenge and ask them for some advice. Possible pitfalls, trip necessities and how to stay awake!

Daily Update - 9th May 2003

I have been very busy writing letters, visiting and phoning local stores and garden centres asking for permission to fund raise within their stores. I really need to get 'out there' and raise our profile with the public. I have made up a large framed poster with all our relevant details (with the patient, and cheap, help of my best friend!) and this will serve as my focal point whilst jiggling donation buckets. Offers to help with this have been forthcoming from friends and family but if anyone has some free time to help out we would be very grateful.

No luck with any equipment yet, we still need sponsoring with the main requirements:

Vehicle (or else we are going nowhere!)
Video camcorder (for our video diary)
Laptop (for daily updates and reports)
Digital camera

Only 41 days to go now before we shall be departing for Norway!

Daily Update - 8th May 2003

It has been an exciting few days! Our story has been run in the local South Hams Newspaper with the headline 'Pair hope to drive home the message for charity'. We have had interviews with two local radio stations, Plymouth Sound FM and Pirate Radio FM, who have kindly given 'airtime' to publicise our venture.

A huge map of Europe now sits on our office wall (and doesn't it look BIG!). Steve is worried about the route and suitable vehicle whilst, apart from trying to raise funds of course, am concerned about how much luggage I can take! Other ladies will understand this.

Local businesses are gradually coming on board and our grateful thanks to them - see sponsor list - but, we are very short of time and need to promote ourselves in as many ways as possible. If you have any ideas or contacts that could possibly help in any way please don't hesitate to email me at the above email address.

We are still in need of a lot of help!

Read the article at thisisplymouth.co.uk